Digital Management

I'll identify the tools and techniques that will best serve your project and your team. These tools might include Trello, Microsoft Project and Microsoft SharePoint, where we can take a collaborative approach to scheduling work, storing documentation, managing RAID logs, and sharing notes. Depending on requirements, your project can be managed 100% digitally, or with a combination of face-to-face and digital activity.
Talk to me about digital management


All projects, no matter the size, require a level of coordination, from managing meeting minutes and actions, to organising training sessions and workshops. Efficient coordination will ensure that schedules are followed, deadlines are met and problems are solved in a timely manner. On larger scale projects, I can work closely with your business and supplier's dedicated project managers, ensuring the seamless management of day-to-day operations.
Talk to me about coordination


Communication is key in initiating, mobilising, and properly managing a project. Clear and frequent communications ensure that everyone understands the purpose, requirements, and benefits of the project, and that there's awareness of challenges and wins that are encountered on the way. Great communications will also assist in coordinating large amounts of work with large amounts of people, and ensure that all progress is monitored and reported clearly. Find out more about the comms plans I establish and how I maintain them throughout project lifespans.
Talk to me about communications


My training service includes the facilitation and running of group workshops and one-to-one sessions, where all parties impacted by a project have the opportunity to learn how to use a new system or piece of software. I also design training materials and user guides to assist your team both during and after the project. My training methods help to minimise stress, maximise performance, and even help to shift the mindset of sceptical staff members. All training will conclude with the collection of feedback for your business to use going forward.
Talk to me about training
+44 7415 384 078